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nextjs I18n, zero deps

ยท 3 min read

NextJS already ships with built in support for i18n.

But extra bits are required to perform the actual translation.

While it's possible to use dependencies such as react-intl, this post shows a much simpler and cleaner approach that scales right, no dependencies required!

Configuring I18N locales in next.config.js

First, lets add support for english and japanese locales, here is our next.config.js:

module.exports = {
i18n: {
locales: ["en", "ja"],
defaultLocale: "en",

next.js generates pages for default, en and ja URLs paths:

  • default to english: http://localhost:3000
  • english locale: http://localhost:3000/en
  • japanese locale: http://localhost:3000/ja
  • any other locales which are not specified in locales would cause 404 (e.g.,: http://localhost:3000/he)

Where to store messages translations

We could store the messages in a single file in the form of page.key

en: {
index.welcome: 'Welcome to'
ja: {
index.welcome: 'ใ‚ˆใ†ใ“ใ'

The other alternative is to store messages on each component file.

I personally prefer the per component approach as it scales right, no need to maintain prefixes to avoid collisions and every piece of code related to a component stays within the same file, same as where we store PropTypes.

To perform the actual translation, we have to:

  1. useRouter() hook to determine the current locale.
  2. use that locale to find a message in locale's messages.
  3. do the translation, preferably support placeholders in messages.

The i18n hook

Lets write a hook to make the actual translation even simpler:

import { useCallback } from "react";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";

// format("hello {0}", "world") returns "hello world"
const format = (msg, ...args) => {
for (let k in args) {
msg = msg.replace("{" + k + "}", args[k]);
return msg;

// useI18n is a react hook that returns t func, which translates a message according to current locale.
export function useI18n(msgs) {
const router = useRouter();
const { locale } = router;

const t = useCallback(
(id, ...args) => {
const lmsgs = msgs[locale];
const msg = lmsgs[id] || msgs.en[id] || id;

return format(msg, ...args);

return {

export default useI18n;

Here's example how to use the hook:

export default function Home() {
const { t } = useI18n(msgs);
return (
<h1 className={styles.title}>{t("welcome_to", "next.js")}</h1>

const msgs = {
en: {
welcome_to: "Welcome to {0}",
ja: {
welcome_to: "ใ‚ˆใ†ใ“ใ {0}",
  1. We pass msgs into the useI18n hook.
  2. The hook determine the current locale using useRouter()
  3. The hook uses the corresponding locale key within the msgs object.
  4. The hook translate the message with support for placeholders.

Try to hit http://localhost:3000/en or http://localhost:3000/je to see the translation in english and japanese, respectively.

Code sample available in