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This guide explains how to sign users in using plain javascript.

It requires an openid authorization server that supports the PKCE extension.


Use React or Vue libraries that wrap this library for a more framework native experience.

For simplicity, this guide imports the crossid-spa-js library from CDN.

For a more complete example using npm and a build system, see crossid-spa-js-example

First, we include the crossid-spa-js library via a script tag.

The code below handles the signin process of a user, caches a user object and provides an access token which can be used to access your application API.

<!DOCTYPE html>
The script is packed as a _universal module definition_ (aka: UMD\_) which exposes a single object named `crossid`, which contains the SDK to manage user authentication such as signing users in and out.
<script src=""></script>
<!-- clicking on this button starts the signin process -->
<button id="login">Login</button>
<!-- will contain the user details once the user signs-in -->
<p id="profile"></p>
window.onload = async () => {
// configure the client
const client = await crossid.newCrossidClient({
// tenant at
// for other providers see
tenant_id: "demo",
// your oauth2 client_id
client_id: "DMjxjVJEJ8ROScoxHEWw4gvmSerBZhdg",
// the audience to request access for
audience: [""],
// the scopes to be requested
scope: "openid profile email",
// where to redirect upon a completion of a successful signin
redirect_uri: "http://localhost:3009/",

const qp = new URLSearchParams(;
// if we see in URL a code then it means the user was signed in successfully
if (qp.has("code")) {
// completes the flow
await client.handleRedirectCallback();
// remove the 'code' query param from URL
window.history.replaceState(null, document.title, "/");

document.getElementById("login").addEventListener("click", async () => {
// redirect browser to the login page
await client.loginWithRedirect();

// get user from cache.
const user = await client.getUser();
if (user) {
document.getElementById("login").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("profile").innerHTML = `Hi ${}`;
} else {
).innerHTML = `User is not authenticated, please login.`;

That's all it takes to perform a full signin process in a javascript application.